All You Need to Know About Toothpaste Tablets

There’s a new product in town that seems to have taken over the dental care industry lately: a toothpaste tablet. Ever since they’ve been introduced, toothpaste tablets have transformed the global toothpaste industry . There has been a noticeable shift toward these tablets as people look for alternatives to the traditional toothpaste. What are toothpaste tablets and how do they work? Let’s take a look. What Are Toothpaste Tablets? Toothpaste tablets are tablets made using a toothpaste formula. This formula is created without adding water to it, and the mixture is pressed into pill-like shapes. The ingredient base for toothpaste tablets is quite similar to regular creamy or gel-based toothpaste. However, because the formula doesn’t include water, their texture is completely different than that of regular toothpaste. Toothpaste tablets are also created without the addition of preservatives (e.g., sodium benzoate) that are typically added to traditional toot...